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Fossil Fool Concert
Sat 5/17, 4-6 PM, Frick Park
Peer-to-Peer Meetup
Wed 7/16, 6-8 PM, Collegiate YMCA

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Immigration Reform Rally
Sat 8/2, 10-2 PM, Liberty Ave.

Event Details

All day RACE: Are We So Different?

May 4, 2014, 4pm - 6pm

Thomas Merton Center

Carnegie Museum of Art

RACE: Are We So Different? is an interactive multidisciplinary exhibition that encourages visitors to explore the science, history,and everyday impact of race and racism. Themes explored in the exhibition invite discussion about the effect of historical theories on contemporary thought and practice. Additional exhibit components specific to Pittsburgh have been included to enhance the experience for local audiences. The Community Voices Gallery, a collaboration between Carnegie Museum of Art and Carnegie Museum of Natural History, focuses the exhibition's themes on Pittsburgh and the local experience.


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